Sunday, September 29, 2013

                                                                Scavenger Hunt!
1.) What is the population of the United States?
                        316, 668, 567
2.) What are the five largest countries in the world, by population?
             China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil
3.)  What is the population of Pakistan?
                        193,238, 868
4.) What kind of government does the united states have?
   Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition
5) What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe?
6) What is the largest country in the world by area?
7) What country has the third greatest number of airports?
8) What country has the greatest number of exports?
9) what country exports more oil than any other?
                        Saudi Arabia
10) Which country imports more oil than any other?
11) Which country has the second largest proved reserves of crude oil in the world?
12) Can women serve in combat roles in China's military?
13. What is GDP?
GDP - This entry gives the gross domestic product (GDP) or value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year
14. What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it?
                   Capita – Qatar 103,900
15) Is the US in the top for GDP per capita?
16) Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent?
17) 11 out of 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found in which continent?
18) What other country is in the top ten?
19) Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths?
20.) Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones?
21.) What percent of the US in roman catholic?
22.) What percentage of Mexico is roman catholic?
23.) What is the Net Migration Rate?
This entry includes the figure for the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country during the year per 1,000 persons
24.) Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate in the world?
25.) According to the factbook, what is the current population of the entire planet?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Populations Again!

          Today in class we got back on to the topic of populations. We started talking about stuff like net migration rate, pull forces, push forces, net immigration, emigration, and total fertility rate. Net migration rate is the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving the country during the year. There is a lot of other vocabulary that would take too long to type, but ill mention one other word that got everyone into a big conversation. It was total fertility rate. Total fertility rate is the number of children born per women. The average is 2.1. In the United States the total fertility rate is 2.06.  The total fertility rate in Nigeria is 5.38. The total fertility rate in Japan is 1.39. That is a lower rate than the United States. It’s pretty cool find out some of the stuff that I have been learning the past few days.

Monday, September 23, 2013


      Today in class we finished working on our tests because last time we had gotten interrupted and had a fire alarm drill. So we had missed 20 minutes of our class and some of us didn’t get to finish our tests. We got that time back today though. After everyone finished there tests we started talking about populations and things like that. We talked about what the population was like in different countries and how has the population changed over the years. Now there are over 7 billion people in our world. We started hitting 7 billion in 2011. There is a difference because in the 1800’s there was only a population of 1 billion. Now there is over 7 billion in a matter of 2000 years! That is amazing and a big accomplishment. We were learning this on a power point and it said how many children are born in a matter of time and we started getting into a conversation about babies. There are so many cool things that you can learn in a day.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fire Alarm!

       Friday was an interesting day in human geography because I prepared for a test that we couldn’t even finish. I got to class and got my test, I started working on it until the fire alarm started going off. We had to stop taking our test, get in a line, and walk outside. When we walked outside everyone was lined up on the football field and all the teachers were going down the lines making sure everyone was there who needed to be. We stood there for a little bit until the alarm went off and we were allowed to go back in. Once we got in we only had 20 minutes to finish our tests. Of course I didn’t get to finish my test, but I don’t think many others did either so it’s okay. We get to finish it on Monday and hopefully I will finish it and get a good grade!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Power Points!

      Today in class some people presented their power points and what they had researched on globalization. The definition of it, the pros, cons, and facts all about it! I learned some pretty cool stuff about globalization. How globalization was the reason the terrorists attacked us and why they chose the world trade center. It was because it was a symbol of globalization and the world. I also learned that two percent of clothing is made from Americans 98 percent is made in China and all the countries on the other side of our world. I learned a lot of other cool things about globalization, but there is too many to talk about in such a small paragraph. In the end of the class we went over what is going to be on our test Friday, like globalization, and message to Garcia. That is all I had learned and found out about in class today!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Nike Solves the Problem!
      Today when I walked into class it had said that Nike had solved the problem for what was going on in Indonesia! We started talking about them and that video for a little bit and how Nike had solved the problem, I don’t remember how they solved it, but they did! Apparently the video we watched was made in 1999 and 2000, so Jim Keady went there a long time ago and the video was made a long time ago. Who knows what it’s like in Indonesia now? If their making more money, or if it has gotten worse for them. We never know. Then once we were finished talking about Indonesia and all that stuff we got back into our groups for the power points again. We talked a little bit about globalization and we have a test on Friday so we went over what is going to be on the test.

Monday, September 16, 2013

A Trip to Indonesia!

      Today in class we watched a short film about what it’s like in Indonesia and how they make our Nike socks here in America. Jim Keady, the co-director and founder of educating for justice, took a trip with his partner, Leslie Kretzu, to Tangerang, Indonesia. They said it was awful there, it was blazing hot, they had to sleep on concrete floors where rats the size of footballs would run around them during the night. The people who made the socks in the sweatshops only made a dollar twenty five a day, but the thing was they said, was that the people loved their jobs. Which is surprising because there only making a dollar twenty five each day. Then Jim Keady said that Tiger Woods makes a bunch of money for wearing some companies clothes, the Indonesians were pretty surprised by that. The whole reason for the trip of going to Indonesia was to see how they lived, and what they lived on. In the end of class once we were finished talking about Indonesia, we got back into our groups and started working on our globalization power points.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

      The other day in class we got into pretty much our same groups that we had before when we were learning how to set up our documents. The documents is where many people at a time can type in and put whatever they want on it. We have to write down what we think will be on the test. This time we got back into them and did some research on globalization. Some people looked up the definition of it, and other looked up all the pros and cons about globalization.  Then we all put our facts down on the document. In the beginning of class we talked about what is going on in different countries like last time and then we got the directions on what we were supposed to do and we started to work and research. Well, I think I covered what we did in class the other day!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Today in class we talked a lot of globalization again. We have been talking about that a lot lately. Then we started talking about China and all these other places. Also how we keep getting involved with Syria and what's going on with all of that. I personally think we should just stay out of it because the more we get involved the more there going to want to attack us and I don't want them to attack us. We again talked about like China and all those places down there and we talked a little bit about them, what it's like and the population. We talked about China a lot, about there money, and there population is huge! There is over a billion people there they said and how the Chinese and Hispanic language is taking over English! That is pretty much all we talked about the other day at class.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


      Today we learned in class all about globalization. How it is also associated with Americanization. Globalization is the process that is as old as civilization. Also the Silk Road was a collection of trade routes connecting the markets of Asia with Arabia, the Mediterranean, and eastern Africa. The process of globalization has spread religious faiths far beyond their areas of origin. We also today just went over our documents and helped others set them up and we also typed down a few questions and notes that we should have on it. We also talked about McDonald’s and how it’s different in other places, but yet the same. Also we looked at some pictures of it along with KFC. It was interesting seeing what a McDonald’s and KFC look like in another country. Well, I am pretty sure I covered almost everything we learned in class today. It was pretty interesting what we learned today, hey you learn something new everyday.
Today in class we learned about documents. We all got in to a couple groups with four people in it. We set up our documents so that we could ask the questions we think are going to be on the test.It is pretty cool actually because all of us can go on the same document and add anything we want. We can even answer anybody’s questions too. That is pretty much all we did yesterday. We talked a little bit about the video that we watched the other day, and someone had mentioned that she found an upgraded version. Otherwise, the document was the only thing we really worked on and it was pretty cool to learn about. I think it’s a really cool idea to be able to go home and ask questions on the document, but others can use it too. It’s like a four way call.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

      At class on Friday we watched this really interesting video about our world. It was telling us about China and all kinds of other things. Like If Facebook was a country it would be the third largest country in the world. Also how China has over a billion people living in it and all sorts of stuff. There were some really cool and interesting facts in that video that I didn’t even know about this world, but hey you learn something new every day, right? I forget some of the other things that they talked about in the video, but don’t worry I remember some too. Like apparently the Chinese have to learn the English language because we have to have so many things shipped from China that it’s unbelievable! Most of the people’s shoes in our class were made from China. There was one or two pairs that weren’t. That is some of the stuff we learned about on Friday.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Caroline Barwick
             Today during class we talked about Socrates and his death. We went over the paining with the people and everything that was going on in it. Like why his pointer finger was up in the air and why was everyone turning there heads. We talked about the juice that he was going to drink to make him die. Apparently it takes up to 45 minutes for you to die and it is very painful. Then we got into what was going on with the news lately. How some things are going on in Syria...95. I think it's a very scary situation of what's going on there and I really don't want to think about it because it scares me to think about all the people's lives that have been lost there. I hope they make the right choice. Well, that concludes all that we learned in class today!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Caroline Barwick                                                                                                                            9/3/13

   Today in my Human Geography class we went over our vocabulary which was words like polis and arête. We went over what happened in 508 BC. We also went over Socrates. Apparently he was a really cool guy who went around and asked people questions. Until people didn't like that so they sent him to his death and he had to drink the deathly drink. We also talked about the Socrates paintings. Not his, but others who painted him. There was one picture that this one guy was handing him the deathly drink and Socrates was sitting there with his pointer finger up in the air. I wonder why it was like that, otherwise there was a couple other men gathered around him hiding there eyes like they didnt want to see him die. He probably meant something to them that they didn't want to see him die. That is what we learned in Human Geography today.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Agora- It is a public open space that is usually used for assemblies and markets.

Arête- An arête is a sharp mountain ridge.

Polis- It is a city state in Ancient Greece as considered in it's ideal form for philosophical purposes.

The year 508 BC- The City of Athens was established under the rule of Cleisthenes.

Socrats- An ancient Athenian philosopher; teacher of Plato and Xenophan

The Death of the Socrats- The Socrats were tried 2 charges, corrupting the youth and impiety. The Socrats had cited some disrepsectful acts such as, failing to acknowledge the Gods that the city acknowledges and introducing new deities. Therefor this led to the Socrats asking philosipical questions which then the people voted to convict him. They made the Socrats drink and dealthy hemlick- based liquid which then led to The Death of the Socrats.

The Socratic Method- It's a negative method of hypothesis elimination and it searches for general, commonly held truths that shape opinion.

What the Greeks meant if they called you an idiot- It meant that you were a very private, secretive person who wasn't interseted in polotics.
Caroline Barwick                                A Successful Year at John Carroll                                  9/2/13

  • I will study well and be organized so that I can be successful and get good grades.
  • I will be kind and nice to everyone so that I can make new friends, because your not successful without friends and support by your side.
  • I will try and get all my homework done early so that I won't be tired when I have to get up and go to school.
  • I will try my hardest at everything I do even if it's not graded.
  • Last but not least I will enjoy high school and have fun!