Monday, September 2, 2013

Agora- It is a public open space that is usually used for assemblies and markets.

Arête- An arête is a sharp mountain ridge.

Polis- It is a city state in Ancient Greece as considered in it's ideal form for philosophical purposes.

The year 508 BC- The City of Athens was established under the rule of Cleisthenes.

Socrats- An ancient Athenian philosopher; teacher of Plato and Xenophan

The Death of the Socrats- The Socrats were tried 2 charges, corrupting the youth and impiety. The Socrats had cited some disrepsectful acts such as, failing to acknowledge the Gods that the city acknowledges and introducing new deities. Therefor this led to the Socrats asking philosipical questions which then the people voted to convict him. They made the Socrats drink and dealthy hemlick- based liquid which then led to The Death of the Socrats.

The Socratic Method- It's a negative method of hypothesis elimination and it searches for general, commonly held truths that shape opinion.

What the Greeks meant if they called you an idiot- It meant that you were a very private, secretive person who wasn't interseted in polotics.

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