Tuesday, September 10, 2013


      Today we learned in class all about globalization. How it is also associated with Americanization. Globalization is the process that is as old as civilization. Also the Silk Road was a collection of trade routes connecting the markets of Asia with Arabia, the Mediterranean, and eastern Africa. The process of globalization has spread religious faiths far beyond their areas of origin. We also today just went over our documents and helped others set them up and we also typed down a few questions and notes that we should have on it. We also talked about McDonald’s and how it’s different in other places, but yet the same. Also we looked at some pictures of it along with KFC. It was interesting seeing what a McDonald’s and KFC look like in another country. Well, I am pretty sure I covered almost everything we learned in class today. It was pretty interesting what we learned today, hey you learn something new everyday.

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