Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Caroline Barwick                                                                                                                            9/3/13

   Today in my Human Geography class we went over our vocabulary which was words like polis and arête. We went over what happened in 508 BC. We also went over Socrates. Apparently he was a really cool guy who went around and asked people questions. Until people didn't like that so they sent him to his death and he had to drink the deathly drink. We also talked about the Socrates paintings. Not his, but others who painted him. There was one picture that this one guy was handing him the deathly drink and Socrates was sitting there with his pointer finger up in the air. I wonder why it was like that, otherwise there was a couple other men gathered around him hiding there eyes like they didnt want to see him die. He probably meant something to them that they didn't want to see him die. That is what we learned in Human Geography today.

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