Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Populations Again!

          Today in class we got back on to the topic of populations. We started talking about stuff like net migration rate, pull forces, push forces, net immigration, emigration, and total fertility rate. Net migration rate is the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving the country during the year. There is a lot of other vocabulary that would take too long to type, but ill mention one other word that got everyone into a big conversation. It was total fertility rate. Total fertility rate is the number of children born per women. The average is 2.1. In the United States the total fertility rate is 2.06.  The total fertility rate in Nigeria is 5.38. The total fertility rate in Japan is 1.39. That is a lower rate than the United States. It’s pretty cool find out some of the stuff that I have been learning the past few days.

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