Friday, December 13, 2013

Exam Review and Last Blog
Today in human geo we looked over what was going to be on our exam that we have next week. Our exam is the last one of Thursday. I’ll be able to get a few extra days to study for it which is good. That is all we did in class and apparently we have a huge essay at the end going over everything we learned which I am not really excited about, but if I want to pass this exam I have to do it. We went over infrastructure, population pyramids, everything. He explained to us what everything was and some people took notes on things that he was saying and I didn’t take notes because I am going to look at all the power points and get everything together. I don’t know whether or not I’m going to do well on this exam or not, but I hope I pass. This is also the last blog before the break so I'll see you when I get back!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Noisy Class
Today in human geo class we got yelled at a lot because people wouldn’t stop talking. Today was a really short class because we had gone in two hours early because of the snow storm that had happened over the weekend. We also missed Monday and Tuesday because of it. So our class today was only like twenty six minutes long which, isn’t enough time to get really anything done. Our whole class today was a little bit over one of the mods from 3 to 8. Those mods are like twenty two minutes long. Either way we barely had any time today.  What we did in that class though was we got our tests back that we took on Friday. I was really happy with my grade and it didn’t move my grade up that much only a point, but that’s okay. I am just happy with the grade I got and I am happy that I passed.

Friday, December 6, 2013


Well today we took a test and it was probably the first test I was actually confident with. I knew all the answers and it was pretty easy. I studied, but just not that hard so I’m glad that I knew everything and hopefully I did well. We didn’t get them back till a little later in the class because some people were still working. Right now were sitting in class and he gave us the option to do our blog so I am writing in now. He hasn’t graded the test yet, but I hope he does soon because I really want to know what I got on it. There is one kid left working and I hope he finishes soon so we can get our grade back! We’re getting into a lot of trouble today so I don’t even know if we will get our grades back today. He said were getting under his skin and he said he might just postpone the date he puts them in and I’m sad I really want them back.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Test Review
Today in human geo we had gone over a power point on microfinance and microloans. We had also got to hear and answer the questions asked for the academic team. We have a test on Friday which I hope I do well on. I am going to study really hard for that test and I am going to pass. Otherwise we went over the power point. It was stuff like the problems with microloans and other topics like that. He hadn’t finished the whole power point so it hadn’t been posted yet to his blog, but that is what I am going to use to help me study for the test. There was only a few slides and we finished a little while before class ended so we just talked about different things. There wasn’t much we talked about, but we went over the test, and what is going to happen for the rest of the week.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Questions for Test
1.) What is microfinance?
A: a general term to describe financial services to low-income individuals or to those who do not have access to typical banking services.
2.) How many people die each year from malaria?
A: 655,000 people
3.) What are the benefits of microfinance?
A: saving accounts, fund transfers, loans, and insurance.
4.) Name three problems in developing countries that can be helped by microfinance.
A: droughts, malaria, polluted water.
5.) How do loans affect small businesses?
A: loans help small businesses to get a kick start with their business.
6.) In what year did scientists discover the real cause of malaria?
7.) What is malaria?
A: a life threatening disease transmitted by mosquitos
8.) Are there any cures to malaria?
A: No
9.) How can we improve microfinance?
A: We need to think of a solution to give people the chance to have a better life
10.)  What is a micro lender?
A: It is an organization that makes business loans to individuals who are not able to obtain financing from traditional lenders.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Going Over the Power Point

So today in human geo we went over the power point project thing that we all had done the other day. I wasn’t able to help out my group that much because I had forgotten my computer so I just watched the power point today. The power point was on microfinance and microloans. Some people had to look up the definitions to those two words and others had questions they had to answer. Some of the questions were like what does microfinance do for people, or how do loans affect small businesses. It was little questions like that that led to all those facts in the power point. There were also some about malaria and some other stuff. That was basically what we did in class today. We just went over the power point and asked some questions. It was a really long mod today so we got through it all.