Friday, December 13, 2013

Exam Review and Last Blog
Today in human geo we looked over what was going to be on our exam that we have next week. Our exam is the last one of Thursday. I’ll be able to get a few extra days to study for it which is good. That is all we did in class and apparently we have a huge essay at the end going over everything we learned which I am not really excited about, but if I want to pass this exam I have to do it. We went over infrastructure, population pyramids, everything. He explained to us what everything was and some people took notes on things that he was saying and I didn’t take notes because I am going to look at all the power points and get everything together. I don’t know whether or not I’m going to do well on this exam or not, but I hope I pass. This is also the last blog before the break so I'll see you when I get back!

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