Friday, December 6, 2013


Well today we took a test and it was probably the first test I was actually confident with. I knew all the answers and it was pretty easy. I studied, but just not that hard so I’m glad that I knew everything and hopefully I did well. We didn’t get them back till a little later in the class because some people were still working. Right now were sitting in class and he gave us the option to do our blog so I am writing in now. He hasn’t graded the test yet, but I hope he does soon because I really want to know what I got on it. There is one kid left working and I hope he finishes soon so we can get our grade back! We’re getting into a lot of trouble today so I don’t even know if we will get our grades back today. He said were getting under his skin and he said he might just postpone the date he puts them in and I’m sad I really want them back.

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