Monday, January 13, 2014

Guns, Germs, and Steal
      I agree with Jared Diamond’s theory. His theory has to do with civilizations that were able to thrive, form new cities, prosper, and why other cities weren’t able to develop. I agree with it because cities did thrive and prosper, they did develop, and they were successful. They don’t have some of the things we have, but there cities did grow. They are successful in their own way. Here we are successful in different way than the ways they are successful. If you get what I mean there. I also agree with how he said some cities weren’t able to develop because that is so true. Some cities weren’t able to prosper, thrive, and form new cities. Some were able to thrive and prosper and they were the ones that were successful. I think Jared Diamond’s theory is true because while watching the movie and watching what they did, and how they did things, I agree with him.

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