Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Test Friday

Today in human geo class we went over the movie that we watched the other day. It was called Guns, Germs, and Steal. That was pretty much all we did in class today, nothing else. We just shared what we thought were some important facts to know about the movie. There was one fact that was said which was that the people would cut down sago trees and combine them with water to make dough. The only problem with the tree was that there was no protein and it would go bad. That was the only fact I remember from today, but I remember that I had already written down the other facts that were said. Otherwise, we found out today that our test on urban geography is going to be on Friday. I don’t really know what the test is going to be on and I don’t really want to take a test if it’s going to lower my grade because at this point my grade can’t be lowered. I think that pretty much covered what happened today.

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