Friday, January 17, 2014

Last Blog for Human Geography

      Today was our last human geography class. It’s kind of sad. I really liked this class. You always made it really fun and exciting. I have to admit I never really liked social studies or whatever you call it, but I actually have fun in this class. I wouldn’t change or make any comments to anything that you do because you did a really good job teaching me. Towards the end of the semester I think I personally did better. On our last test that we took today I got an 88! I am glad I finished off the semester with a good test grade. In the beginning I had a little trouble, but I got used to the tests and realized what I needed to study. Well this is my last blog for human geography. Don’t worry though I have you next semester so you’ll be hearing a lot more of my pretty cool blogs for Western civilization.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Test and Movie

      Today in human geo we once again watched a little bit of the movie, Guns, Germs and Steel. Today we just went over the big things that are going to be on our test. In the video we went over the 14 animals that were domesticated and we had to write all of them down. That’s the only thing we pretty much watched in the video. Then we started going over the test and writing down thing that we would need to know for Friday. We got asked the questions and we would write down the answers. We went over the things for the test because tomorrow we don’t have class. Friday is our last class learning Human Geography with you. It’s kind of sad because human geo was fun, but that’s okay you get me next semester! I don’t know if this is going to be our last blog or not, but if it is goodbye!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Test Friday

Today in human geo class we went over the movie that we watched the other day. It was called Guns, Germs, and Steal. That was pretty much all we did in class today, nothing else. We just shared what we thought were some important facts to know about the movie. There was one fact that was said which was that the people would cut down sago trees and combine them with water to make dough. The only problem with the tree was that there was no protein and it would go bad. That was the only fact I remember from today, but I remember that I had already written down the other facts that were said. Otherwise, we found out today that our test on urban geography is going to be on Friday. I don’t really know what the test is going to be on and I don’t really want to take a test if it’s going to lower my grade because at this point my grade can’t be lowered. I think that pretty much covered what happened today.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Guns, Germs, and Steal
      I agree with Jared Diamond’s theory. His theory has to do with civilizations that were able to thrive, form new cities, prosper, and why other cities weren’t able to develop. I agree with it because cities did thrive and prosper, they did develop, and they were successful. They don’t have some of the things we have, but there cities did grow. They are successful in their own way. Here we are successful in different way than the ways they are successful. If you get what I mean there. I also agree with how he said some cities weren’t able to develop because that is so true. Some cities weren’t able to prosper, thrive, and form new cities. Some were able to thrive and prosper and they were the ones that were successful. I think Jared Diamond’s theory is true because while watching the movie and watching what they did, and how they did things, I agree with him.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Urban Geography

So the other day in human geo class we took notes on urban geography. We didn’t have that much class time because once again we had another two hour delay. I really needed that two hour delay. I also need to learn stuff though on urban geography because we have a test coming up and out of all the tests we have taken, minus exams, this is the only one that I have seriously needed to pass. I need to because I don’t want my grade to go down, so I am going to study really hard for this test. I need all the facts I can get though to pass. Otherwise, it was just a normal human geo day, but you were also getting mad at us because we kept talking a lot. It’s the usual, getting mad at us for talking. Well that’s basically all we did in class on Friday!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Back From Break!
Well were back from a two week break. I had a great break and I hope you did too. So we are now starting a new unit. We are learning about urban geography. We didn’t get much into detail today about it so I don’t really know how to explain it right now. Today all we did was take a lot of notes. Tomorrow now we don’t have school because of the winds and temperature. It was weird because today we were actually talking about snow days. This day off isn’t for a snow day though. Otherwise we had a long class today and we talked about our exams. We got it curved by 3 points and I personally thought I did better then what I got. We then have a test in urban geography the 15th and that concludes our semester. Hopefully I am praying that I do well on that test!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Exam Review and Last Blog
Today in human geo we looked over what was going to be on our exam that we have next week. Our exam is the last one of Thursday. I’ll be able to get a few extra days to study for it which is good. That is all we did in class and apparently we have a huge essay at the end going over everything we learned which I am not really excited about, but if I want to pass this exam I have to do it. We went over infrastructure, population pyramids, everything. He explained to us what everything was and some people took notes on things that he was saying and I didn’t take notes because I am going to look at all the power points and get everything together. I don’t know whether or not I’m going to do well on this exam or not, but I hope I pass. This is also the last blog before the break so I'll see you when I get back!