Wednesday, October 30, 2013

More Power Points

In the beginning of class today we tried to watch a video of a baby, but the volume wasn’t working so we couldn’t. I want to see it so hopefully we can watch it some other time in the week. Otherwise, we were back to presenting our power points and Grace had finished hers on Hinduism. Then we moved to Grant, Caroline, and Alexa’s presentation. They did there’s on Judaism. They told us some facts on there’s and we wrote down some notes. Turns out there is 14 million people following their religion, but apparently that isn’t that much. There’s wasn’t that long and they had finished quickly so Ryan went next. He did his on Buddhism, but we didn’t get to finish it so he will finish his tomorrow. I don’t know when I will go and Daphne wasn’t there today, but I’m sure well go within the next two days.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Power Points Continued

     Today in class we got our quizzes back that we took the other day and I was not very happy with my grade, but this quarter I am going to do much better. Then Grace presented her power point. Her topic was Hinduism. She made the power point, but not only did she make the power point she also made us notes. She didn’t make us write everything she left blanks in the paper for us to fill in. It was stuff like Vedas which is made up of hymns and descriptions of Hindu rituals. Bhagavad Gita is a poem that describes the belief of Hindu afterlife. That is the most important Hindu text. I actually did learn some things and I am really happy Grace made those notes so I can study off of them. That is all we did in class today and Grace didn’t get to finish presenting her power point so we will finish that tomorrow and maybe others will represent.

Monday, October 28, 2013


Today in class we all got into different groups to work on a power point. It was on some of the different types of religion. What we did was we picked out numbers out of a hat and there were numbers on the board one, two, three, four and five. Each of the different religions were by one of the numbers. Then whichever number we picked is the religion we had to look up and research. We were given some questions to answer and then we made our power point and planned it out. My group got Christianity so we answered the questions that were given to us to look up on our topic. My group had finished our power point, we had answered all of the questions, we had made it just how we wanted it and then tomorrow we are supposed to go up in front of the class and present them.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

                                                                One lap, three to go
      On Friday I had a shadow in class. We took a test that no one really knew about and we didn't even ask for a test so I thought it was unfair to have one because it moved my grade down.
Still if it had moved my grade up I wouldn’t have cared. You need to tell us if we are going to have a quiz or not because some people don’t check your blog. It’s not fair and it’s also not fair because we didn’t even ask you for a quiz. The other class did. Next quarter I am planning to do much better in your class though and I am going to get a better grade then what I got in your this quarter and I will never get that grade again. I just have to step it up and work hard. I also need to work hard because I am playing sports. Therefore, I have to keep up with my grades.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Videos and Opinions

Today in Human Geography class we watched a video about this guy telling his opinion about our world. It wasn’t a long video so then after we all talked about our opinions on nationalism. In the video there was a girl and she asked what makes the United States the best place on earth. Someone said freedom and freedom and I forget what the other lady said, but the other guy disagreed. He had his own opinion and he stated it why the United States was the best place on earth. That’s what we started talking about, people’s opinions on whether they thought America was the best place to live. No one in the class thought it was the best place, everyone thought it was one of the top ones though. Just no one thought America is number one. Personally I don’t think it is, it used to be, but things have changed since then.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Stories and Notes

Today in Human Geography we were told a story about how our teacher went to go visit his daughter in Boston and got to them the Red Socks Baseball Team win their game. When he went to the game her met some of the TV people and got to go in the truck and he showed us a picture of him sitting in the truck. We also got to see a video of the crowd going crazy over the win and they were all singing in the streets screaming and singing. Then the last thing we did was take some notes on language, ethnic groups, and religions. It was facts about each of them, but we didn’t get to finish the slide. We won’t finish it for a couple of days. That’s pretty much all we did in class today and today was a really long mod so we got to go through a couple of slides when we were taking our notes.

Stories and Notes

Today in Human Geography we were told a story about how our teacher went to go visit his daughter in Boston and got to them the Red Socks Baseball Team win their game. When he went to the game her met some of the TV people and got to go in the truck and he showed us a picture of him sitting in the truck. We also got to see a video of the crowd going crazy over the win and they were all singing in the streets screaming and singing. Then the last thing we did was take some notes on language, ethnic groups, and religions. It was facts about each of them, but we didn’t get to finish the slide. We won’t finish it for a couple of days. That’s pretty much all we did in class today and today was a really long mod so we got to go through a couple of slides when we were taking our notes.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


      Yesterday during class we took a test. It doesn’t count for anything though, but it is to help us and apparently were supposed to see that test later in the year. I thought it was really hard and I didn’t understand a lot of it. Mostly because I haven’t learned any of it yet, which I hope I do so that I can do better on the next one. That is why we took that practice test so that we can see if we will do better and improve. I hope I do better on the other test because I know I didn’t do well on the practice one because again I didn’t know or understand anything on the practice test. Also I didn’t even get to finish, so I really hope that the next time we get that test it is much easier because I would learn and know more.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

                                                                 Population Quiz

      Today we got our quizzes on population back and I didn’t do as well as I had hoped, but I had studied really hard so that’s why it was a disappointment. We went over what the definitions were, what the grafts were, we went over the push and pull forces, and the different questions about our world’s population. That is pretty much all we did in class today was go over the answers. We had taken such a long time going over all of the answers on the quiz that we couldn’t get anything else done. I mean I still learned something in class today. Tomorrow we have PSAT’s so we don’t have class tomorrow so then we don’t have to write a blog.  Tomorrow we pretty much don’t have school and on Thursday we don’t have your class so I guess you’ll see my next blog on Friday or Saturday!

Friday, October 11, 2013


      Yesterday I stayed up really late to study for the quiz we were going to have on today Friday. I thought I did fairly well on it, because I had studied. Our last quiz I did not do well on so I hope on this one I did better and I move my grade up. There were some questions about the pyramids and total fertility rate and a whole bunch of other questions. There was a push or pull questions and it was name two pushes and two pulls. I think I got that question because I studied really hard on that one. Overall, I hope I did better than what my grade is in that class so I can move it up, and hopefully I will. I thought it was a decent quiz and since I studied a lot I think I did pretty well on it. I just hope it is enough to move my grade back up!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Populations and Surprises

      Today in class we got our quizzes back and then started writing our notes on population. We talked about all different countries. Some countries had low birthrates, and some had high birthrates. Some had people live to higher ages then others, but it was very rare for a country to have people live over 80. There was only one country that only had people live up to 60 and under. No one really made it past there, and I think the reason was that people decided to go to war to fight. It really amazed me how so many countries there were people that could live to a really old age, but there were some countries that barely had woman having children. There are so many differences in population, birthrates, and deaths in so many different countries. It’s insane to know what age some people live till in our world that it’s amazing. Then at the end of class we found out that we have a test on Friday, so hopefully I will do better on this one then last time.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Today we had a quiz on the movie. In the beginning of class though we got cupcakes because it was Erica’s birthday. Otherwise, we therefore had a quiz. It was kind of hard but not too hard. I knew some of the answers and some I didn’t know but we got to use our blogs to help us out on the quiz. I hadn’t written down all of my notes on my blog so that is what made it a little extra hard for me. I hope I did well and at least decent on it. Then when everyone was finished we took some notes on population we didn’t get very far because it took me and some others a little time to finish their quizzes. That is pretty much all that we did in class today and tomorrow we will probably take some more notes on the population.

Monday, October 7, 2013


      Today we finished the movie God Grew Tired of Us. I thought it was a really good and inspiring movie because of how they survived and how they kept on going knowing that they were going through a life or death situation. I thought it was so touching in the end the way John’s mom and sister greeted him, it was so cute. I also thought it was touching how Panther went back to Sudan to marry his girlfriend and how in the end he was planning to build a school. John also was going to open up a medical center down in Sudan. In the end of the movie they all end up having great futures. John is pursuing his Bachelor’s degree, and Panther got his, and Daniel still works at Job Corps and is at a community college. It is so amazing all the things they have all accomplished in their lives.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Reviewing and Watching

On Friday we got our tests back and reviewed the answers to it and then we watched some more of the movie God is Tired of Us. In the movie the lost boys have been in New York and Philadelphia for over a year now. I don’t think there liking it as much as they thought they were going to. One of the reasons is, is that people are misjudging them and back in Sudan you could go up to anyone if you were lost and could ask them for help and everything. They realized that you can’t do that here in the United States. You can, but people would think it is really weird, especially since there huge seven foot men.  I hope they make it through and like it overall. After all they have been through they all deserve a much better life than what they had before.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

God is Tired of Us

      Today we watched God is Tired of Us again. We had left off yesterday when some of the people were saying goodbye, and getting on the plane. It was really sad that they had to leave everyone that they had lived and grown up with, but I think it’s good for them that they get to start a new life. It was really funny how they didn’t know what anything was and how fascinated they were in some of the things like a lamp, and the refrigerator. I thought it was also funny how they didn’t know what food they were eating. They were eating butter, and jelly instead of putting in on their bread! I thought they were very funny trying to figure out how things work. I know they’ll soon learn what everything is and I’m pretty sure they know that there going to learn what everything is.  


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Watching a Movie

     In class today we watched a movie about the Sudan war in 1983. During the war two million people lost their lives. Then there were twenty seven thousand people who had escaped Sudan and when they got to Kenya there were only twelve thousand people who had survived. This was a terrible war and the way those people died made it even worse. Many died from starvation and many some were killed by lions and hyenas. This war was awful, but as we got more into the movie it got a little better for some people. There were some people who were going to move to the United States. Some were going to New York, and others were going to Philadelphia. It was funny because they didn’t know some of the things that we have like a shower, an apartment, and they said that there was only one wife so that was going to be a big problem for them!
                                                              Reviewing the Questions
        Today in class all we basically did was go over the questions that we had to do the other day. Mainly the questions were about population and things that are going on in our world. There was a question that if the United States was number one for most used cellular devices. Truth is were are not number one we are number three. That really surprised me because I thought we would be number one. I also found out that we are number eighteen for most deaths by HIV/Aids. That is really sad and it really surprised me. With all our education and medicine we have I wouldn’t think we would be number eighteen. I would think that we would be way down farther. I really found out a lot of new and interesting things while doing that blog because some things really surprised me. I really did learn a lot from doing that blog.