Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Power Points Continued

     Today in class we got our quizzes back that we took the other day and I was not very happy with my grade, but this quarter I am going to do much better. Then Grace presented her power point. Her topic was Hinduism. She made the power point, but not only did she make the power point she also made us notes. She didn’t make us write everything she left blanks in the paper for us to fill in. It was stuff like Vedas which is made up of hymns and descriptions of Hindu rituals. Bhagavad Gita is a poem that describes the belief of Hindu afterlife. That is the most important Hindu text. I actually did learn some things and I am really happy Grace made those notes so I can study off of them. That is all we did in class today and Grace didn’t get to finish presenting her power point so we will finish that tomorrow and maybe others will represent.

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