Wednesday, October 30, 2013

More Power Points

In the beginning of class today we tried to watch a video of a baby, but the volume wasn’t working so we couldn’t. I want to see it so hopefully we can watch it some other time in the week. Otherwise, we were back to presenting our power points and Grace had finished hers on Hinduism. Then we moved to Grant, Caroline, and Alexa’s presentation. They did there’s on Judaism. They told us some facts on there’s and we wrote down some notes. Turns out there is 14 million people following their religion, but apparently that isn’t that much. There’s wasn’t that long and they had finished quickly so Ryan went next. He did his on Buddhism, but we didn’t get to finish it so he will finish his tomorrow. I don’t know when I will go and Daphne wasn’t there today, but I’m sure well go within the next two days.

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