Friday, November 1, 2013

No Test Today!

Today we had a mass and all the classes were shortened. We were supposed to be taking a test today, but since all the classes were shorter we didn’t have time. Our test was on cultural geography and the religions. Such as Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and Buddhism. Why we didn’t take the test was because we were reviewing things for the test. We were going over the facts that were going to be on the tests about the religions. The facts were like how many people follow the religion, the leaders of it, and were most people are that follow it. Christianity has the biggest amount of followers and Judaism has the least. Christianity has 2.2 billion people and second is Islam who has 1.5 people following it. Then we have Hinduism in third, Buddhism in fourth, and the last one is Judaism. We are now having the test on Monday, and I am going to study this weekend, and I am going to pass this test.

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