Wednesday, November 20, 2013

                                                      Worksheets and Vending Machines
Today in Human Geography, well in the beginning I asked to go buy something out of the vending machine because I didn’t get to eat at lunch because I had forgotten my lunch. So I walked upstairs and I bought something and I walked back downstairs to the classroom and apparently my class did something to it while I was gone. I was a little bit scared. Then we just talked about the tests and some videos we had watched. Like naming a couple Did You Know? And Shift Happens. I don’t know if they were together, but we have watched a couple of videos. Otherwise we didn’t do much today we just kind of talked about human geography topics. Also again we went over our test and we also answered a few questions from a worksheet, but we only got to two of the questions because we started talking about other topics. That was what our class was like today.

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