Tuesday, October 15, 2013

                                                                 Population Quiz

      Today we got our quizzes on population back and I didn’t do as well as I had hoped, but I had studied really hard so that’s why it was a disappointment. We went over what the definitions were, what the grafts were, we went over the push and pull forces, and the different questions about our world’s population. That is pretty much all we did in class today was go over the answers. We had taken such a long time going over all of the answers on the quiz that we couldn’t get anything else done. I mean I still learned something in class today. Tomorrow we have PSAT’s so we don’t have class tomorrow so then we don’t have to write a blog.  Tomorrow we pretty much don’t have school and on Thursday we don’t have your class so I guess you’ll see my next blog on Friday or Saturday!

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