Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Populations and Surprises

      Today in class we got our quizzes back and then started writing our notes on population. We talked about all different countries. Some countries had low birthrates, and some had high birthrates. Some had people live to higher ages then others, but it was very rare for a country to have people live over 80. There was only one country that only had people live up to 60 and under. No one really made it past there, and I think the reason was that people decided to go to war to fight. It really amazed me how so many countries there were people that could live to a really old age, but there were some countries that barely had woman having children. There are so many differences in population, birthrates, and deaths in so many different countries. It’s insane to know what age some people live till in our world that it’s amazing. Then at the end of class we found out that we have a test on Friday, so hopefully I will do better on this one then last time.

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